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Driving traffic to a website and getting it to convert is a real challenge these days.

By Sebastian Alberti, Digital Marketer
Published January 5, 2022 | Read Time: 3 min

You’re constantly battling competition, high-click costs, and frequent algorithm changes.

But why is it that some traffic converts better than others?

It’s simple. It all has to do with quality!

Any good salesman will tell you that it’s better to generate less traffic of higher quality, than it is to generate more traffic of lower quality.


Your conversion rate depends on the quality of traffic you bring to your business.

“If that’s the case, do I simply choose the traffic sources that convert the best for my business?”

Not quite.

Just because you can go to your Google Analytics account, pull up stats on how many visitors and conversions each traffic channel is generating, doesn’t mean you’re seeing the full picture.

How so?

The overall quality of your traffic is not only determined by where the traffic comes from (source), but largely determined by how relevant your business is to your customers needs, wants and desires.

Relevancy is key when it comes to generating high-quality traffic.

So before you jump to conclusions and say “my Facebook traffic sucks”, simply because your Facebook channel is showing poor conversion results, my question to you is…

How relevant is your business to your customers?

This short blog post will teach you how to get more traffic that converts, by showing you how to improve the quality of your traffic.

If you haven’t picked a traffic source yet, be mindful, it’s very easy to get sucked into other people’s opinions.

Some will say SEO traffic, hands down, is the best quality of traffic you can bring to your business.

Others will preach that paying for traffic on Google trumps all.

Whatever the case may be, don’t buy into people’s opinions. The worst mistake you can make when picking a traffic source for your business, is to use someone else’s results to influence your decision.

Just because they found Google ads to be the best performing traffic source for their business, doesn’t mean you will.


It’s not an accurate way to measure things.

If there business, product, budget, website, ads, and customers are all completely different to yours, how likely is it that you will generate the same quality traffic, and results, if you use the same traffic source?

Don’t answer. I already know what you’re thinking.

The best traffic source you can choose is the one where your ideal customer hangs out.

After all, they are people who are going to benefit most from what you’ve got to offer.

For example,

If you sell cordless drills, then go where all the tradies go.

If you sell industrial machinery to large corporations, go where all the decision makers for these types of organisations will be.

Got it? Ok, good.

Choosing the right traffic source is extremely important for your business, but like I said earlier, it’s not just the source that determines the quality of your traffic.

It’s also your message, your offer, your landing pages, the language you use, your ads, and everything else that needs to be in play, to ensure the relevancy for the user.

Discovery Exercise Book Cover

Although you can’t physically log into the backend of your traffic platform and press a button that says “boost the quality of my traffic”, improving your relevancy is equally the same.

Think about your relevancy as the communication pathway your customers follow, to be able to navigate their way to where they need to be in order to reach their goal.

If the message in your ads doesn’t align with the message on your landing page, or vice versa, then your prospect is going to become confused, feel misled, and most likely bounce.

The closer you can match what your customers want, to what they’ll discover on your ads, landing pages & website, the better your communication pathway will become, and so will the quality of your traffic.

This will encourage more users to stay on your site for longer periods of time, increasing the probability of them entering your sales funnel, and becoming a customer.

Here’s a quick example to show you what good relevancy looks like.


Objective 3D title tag

Landing Page

Rent a professional 3D printing solution

As you can see from the example above, this this 3D printing company was able to establish a high-relevance between ad and landing page, because they matched both messages to the intent of the prospect.

So, how do you improve the relevancy of your ads & landing pages?

Through effective CRO.

Conversion rate optimisation is a relatively fast and effective method that allows you to focus on optimising specific elements on both your ads and landing pages, making them more relevant to users.

Let’s run through how you can optimise things together.

Ad relevance measures how closely your ad matches the users intent. If you are using Google to generate paid traffic, then relevancy would be measured in the form of how closely you match your ad to the keywords you’re targeting.

It’s usually a good idea to include the core concept of the keyword in your ad text, and to include some compelling value propositions that help you stand out from competition.

For other platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin, where you target an audience based on specific attributes, relevancy will be determined by how closely you match the message of your ad to the audience your targeting, and what you’re helping them discover (problem or opportunity).

For example, if you are wanting to sell pro swimmers new goggles that don’t fog in the water, then it would be wise to either call them out directly, ask them a question that relates to their problem or opportunity, or showcase the product within the image.

All of these increase the relevancy to the target audience and will lift the quality of the traffic, who click through to your website.

Pro Swimmers Facebook page

Landing page relevance indicates how well your landing page meets the needs of users, and there are many ways you can go about improving this.

Number one badge

Start with headlines

When a user lands on your page, they immediately want their intentions confirmed. Headlines ensure the user they have reached the right page, by summing up exactly what the page is about. Making the headline on the landing page match the message in the ad is how you improve its relevance. Failing to do this will cause users to bounce.

Number two badge

Have a specific goal

Once a user has gotten past the headline, it’s now the landing pages job to convince them to stay. Each landing page should have a clear goal, structure, and mirror the user’s purpose.

For example – If the user is visiting a website with the intention to buy a product, then they should be met with a product page that showcases the product name, an image of the product, it’s features, price, and a clear call to action. Like so…

Love Nourishing Treatment mask product
Number three badge


The content of your page will decide whether your visitor becomes disinterested, or proceeds to the next step in the buying process. To make the content of your page more relevant to your prospect, it should answer all the needs and questions of the user. It also needs to be unique, authentic, and should use the same type of language your user is familiar with. To do this effectively, you need to know exactly who you’re talking to.

Number four badge

Have a clear call to action

Although users might have visited your website with a certain intent, scrolled through the content and enjoyed your landing page, they might choke on what to do next if the call to action isn’t clear, nor related to why they visited. To create a highly-relevant call to action, make sure that it matches the goal for the page. And be sure to keep it simple, yet compelling.

Sign Up Now button
Number five badge

Use a familiar image

Whenever we visit a landing page, the first thing our eyes are drawn to is the image. To make the image more relevant to your prospect, consider what they were drawn to in the ad. If they are visiting because they’re interested in a specific product, then show it. If they’re visiting to enquire about working with you personally, then showing them a picture of yourself will boost relevancy.

Getting traffic that converts is a challenge that most businesses face, but it’s a challenge that needs to be overcome to ensure your survival. As we’ve demonstrated above, quality traffic is produced not only from the source, but how relevant your business is to the needs, wants and desires of it’s prospects.

But before you go off and start to make changes to your traffic source, your ads and your landing page, ask yourself this

“How well do I know my customers?“

Knowing your customers like the back of your hand is the key to creating a highly relevant user experience.

Here at Conversion we have a discovery exercise, that asks you a series of questions, to help you build an in-depth analysis bio of your customers.

You can request your copy here

Hope this information helped.

Have a wonderful day.

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